Every year, millions of students enroll in courses discounted through the Udemy Deals Program, making it a powerful lever for instructors to help maximize their revenue potential on Udemy. This article outlines the Udemy Deals Program and how instructors can participate in or opt out of the program.
Table of Contents
- What is the Udemy Deals program?
- How courses' discount prices are determined during a promotion
- Local price floors
- How to opt-in or out of the Udemy Deals Program
- Newly published courses and the Udemy Deals Program
- Opting out of the Udemy Deals Program as a published instructor
What is the Udemy Deals program?
Instructors have the option to participate in the Udemy Deals Program. This allows Udemy to use marketing data to optimize your course's list price and offer your courses at a discount in different markets around the world.
Please note: A course’s inclusion in Udemy’s promotions, however, is not guaranteed. Courses are included in promotions based on a number of factors including course topic, enrollments, conversions, ratings, reviews, and student behavior such as wishlisting, to name a few. So not all courses will be included in every Udemy promotion.
How courses' discount prices are determined during a promotion
Udemy uses data science and economic modeling to determine each course's promotional price range. Many factors such as a course's category, length, and competitive context are used to generate an initial discount price range. This range is then adjusted automatically in response to the course's sales performance at different price points and in different markets. The system takes into account both price and student conversion rates and seeks to maximize each course's revenue potential over time.
Local price floors
The Deals Program allows Udemy to offer your content to learners at a discounted price or list price no lower than $9.99 USD (or local equivalent), and sales to Udemy’s resellers or distributors, where the price may be lower.
Learn more about Udemy’s pricing tier for courses and review the minimum sales prices after discount in each of our major markets.
Where a sale to a Udemy reseller or distributor results in a sale price for your content that is lower than permitted by this Policy, Udemy will calculate your revenue share based on a Gross Amount permitted by this Policy.
Deals Program deals may be promoted through the Services, user communications, or third-party platforms, and the duration of the deals may vary.
How to opt-in or out of the Udemy Deals Program
By default, instructors are opted into the Udemy Deals Program when they register as a premium instructor. Instructors can opt out of the program at any time.
To change your promotional agreements, and opt in or out of the Udemy Deals program, please follow these steps:
1. After logging into your Udemy account, click Manage Promotional Agreements.
2. Scroll down to Udemy Deals Program and make a selection.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Newly published courses and the Udemy Deals Program
Paid courses will not be discounted as part of a Udemy promotion for the first 14 days in certain countries like the United States, France, Japan, and Turkey, after they are published in the marketplace. As noted above, participation in the Udemy Deals Program allows Udemy to optimize your course's list price, which may be lower than the backup price. Learn more.
Opting out of the Udemy Deals Program as a published instructor
If you choose to opt out of the Udemy Deals Program after your course has been published, it may take up to 10 days for it to stop being offered at a discount on the Udemy site (for campaigns that started while you have opted in).
Your course will not be included in new discount campaigns that begin after the date you opted out. After the 10-day period, your courses will only be available at the list price you’ve selected (or when applicable, the price you’ve set in an instructor coupon you’ve created and promoted).
- In addition to on-site promotions, Udemy employs a variety of other marketing channels for instructors in the Deals Program (including emails, paid ads, and affiliate marketing). Opting out will also affect your course's participation in external promotions such as search ads, social media placements, or retargeting.
- It may take some time after your opt-out date before your courses are no longer promoted via these channels, but your courses will no longer be offered at a discount on the Udemy site 10 days after your opt-out date. This 10-day period helps ensure we honor discounts that have already been offered to students in active campaigns.
Participation in the Udemy Deals program is governed by the terms available in our Promotions Policy.