This article explains how to add, move, or preview information on the Intended learners page, which is publicly visible on your Course Landing Page. This description will have a direct impact on your course performance and help learners determine if a course is right for them.
- Learn how to define your audience and course objectives.
Adding descriptions on the Intended learners page
1. After logging into your Udemy account, navigate to your Instructor View (Learn how).
2. Scroll to the course card and click Edit / manage course. For published courses, this will be located on the left of the course card.
3. If your course has not been published, click on Intended learners under Plan your Course. If your course is live, this will be under Course editing.
4. On the Intended learners page, you can add descriptions for your intended learners. For additional descriptions, click Add more to your response to generate additional lines.
Please note: You must enter at least 4 learning objectives or outcomes that learners can expect to achieve after completing your course.
5. Click Save to confirm changes.
Moving or deleting an answer
To move an answer, click on the triple bar icon on the right and drag it into a new position. To delete an answer, click the trash bin icon on the left. Then, click Save.
Please note: Answers can only be moved within the section of the question it was originally created for.
Preview answers on the course landing page
Under What you’ll learn, you can preview your description for intended learners while editing your course.
- Learn how to preview your course landing page.