Instructors may wish to remove their course from the marketplace and close it to enrollments for various reasons. For example, you may wish to temporarily prevent new students from enrolling in the course as you make updates to it, or, you may wish to permanently close the course to new enrollments since you’re creating a new, more current course.
This article outlines how instructors can unpublish and republish courses, or delete courses.
- Please note: in order to uphold the lifetime access guarantee Udemy offers students, courses with students enrolled cannot be deleted.
How to unpublish a course
When a course is unpublished, it will no longer be visible in the marketplace and new students cannot enroll. Students who have already enrolled in your course, however, will continue to have access. To unpublish a course, please follow these steps below:
- Navigate to the course management page.
- Click on the course settings gear icon at the top right and scroll down to Course Status.
- Click Unpublish.
- Click yes to confirm your decision to unpublish your course.
How to republish a course
An unpublished course can be republished at any time. To republish your course, head to the course management page and click on Republish Course on the left-hand side.
When you click Republish Course your course will automatically return to our marketplace.
If you are switching between private and public while republishing your course, however, your course will be re-submitted through the Quality Review Process.
How to delete a course
A course can only be deleted if students are not enrolled. In addition, in order to uphold the lifetime access guarantee with enrolled students, you may not delete or unpublish groups of course lectures in the original course to reduce the amount of content. This would be a violation of our Terms of Use.
- If your course does have students enrolled, you can unpublish it from the marketplace. Unpublishing a course prevents new students from enrolling.
Please note that deleting a course permanently erases all course content including discussions and associated files and deleting a course cannot be undone. If you wish to delete a course please follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the course management page.
- Click on the course settings gear icon at the top right and scroll down to Course Status.
- Click Delete.
- Click yes to confirm your decision to delete your course.