Udemy has a legal obligation to collect applicable transaction taxes including VAT (Value Added Tax), GST (Goods & Services Tax), or other types of sales taxes, for purchases, which may vary depending on a student's local, state, and country jurisdiction.
This article explains to instructors how Udemy handles VAT/GST.
- Review answers for frequently asked questions we receive from students regarding taxes for Udemy purchases.
How does Udemy handle VAT/GST for purchases?
The VAT (Value Added Tax) and GST (Goods & Services Tax) is a form of consumption tax on goods and services. The Japanese Consumption Tax in Japan is a type of VAT. VAT / GST rates and regulations vary across geographies.
Udemy currently handles VAT / GST for all purchases made on the website by students as applicable based on local tax rules. In countries where VAT / GST applies, Udemy displays course prices as “tax-inclusive” and Students in these countries will see the tax-inclusive price as a single total, just as they would for other goods and services sold in their countries. Students will receive an email receipt that breaks down the course price excluding tax and VAT / GST separately.
VAT/GST on mobile
Apple and Google, who run the App Store and Google Play stores, respectively, handle all purchases on the mobile platform and will handle VAT / GST.