Coupons and course referral links allow instructors to promote their Udemy courses to students on and off the platform. Coupons and course referral links are allowed only in promotional emails and the Bonus Lecture. They cannot be used anywhere else on the Udemy platform, because once students enter a course, they expect a safe learning environment where they will not be “sold” to.
Instructor – Detailed Guidelines
- You may send coupons or course referral links only:
- via Promotional Emails or
- to your own audience via email or social media
- You may not include coupons or course referral links in any of the following:
- Educational announcements
- Anywhere on the course landing page
- Course material (excluding bonus lecture)
- Direct Messages to students
- Course Discussions
When you provide students with coupons, we require that you be clear about how long it will be available and/or how many people will be able to use it before it expires.
When an instructor is clearly going against the spirit of Udemy policies in an attempt to game the system or if we see a severe negative impact on the student experience (high unsubscribe rates or refund rates) it will be considered a violation of our policies.
Escalation Policy
Learn what happens when there is a violation of our policies.