Instructors may use course reviews published on Udemy to market their courses, however, this type of usage is subject to the following guidelines:
- Reviews should be from Udemy students, and posted currently on your Udemy course.
- Instructors are not permitted to use full student names or other information which might identify them, such as their job title. Reviews must be at least partially anonymized, by either listing the student’s first name and last initial only, or removing the student’s name entirely.
- Follow journalistic practices when quoting course reviews. For example, ellipses can be used to shorten reviews, but they shouldn’t otherwise be modified.
- If a student complains about an instructor’s use of their course review, the instructor must follow best practices in quickly removing the review from their marketing materials, course content, social media, etc.
- As always, instructors are responsible for ensuring that they comply with applicable laws, including marketing laws.