This article includes answers to frequently asked questions instructors have regarding Udemy’s Personal Plan subscription.
- Are you a learner who’s interested in our Personal Plan? Learn more about the Personal Plan subscription.
Table of contents
- What is Personal Plan?
- Why does Udemy offer an individual subscription?
- What is the revenue share for Personal Plan?
- Where can instructors see revenue they earn from Personal Plan enrollments?
- What happens if a learner purchases Personal Plan after discovering the subscription through an instructor coupon or referral link?
- What are the requirements to participate in Personal Plan as an instructor?
- How often is content added to or removed from Personal Plan?
What is Personal Plan?
Personal Plan is a broad subscription that provides enrolled learners access to thousands of top courses in hundreds of course topics, ranging from IT, web development, soft skills, business, marketing and design.
Here is some additional information about Personal Plan:
- Access: Eligible learners pay for monthly or annual access to the subscription, with unlimited viewing of content within it. For first-time subscribers, there may be an option to trial the collection for a limited time before subscribing.
Since Personal Plan is a subscription product, it does not offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, and no refunds or partial refunds are available unless required by applicable law (or as required by Google or Apple for subscription purchases made through mobile app stores).
- Audience: Currently, Personal Plan is only available to learners in specific markets. We will continue to update instructors in the Teaching Center and Community as we offer the Personal Plan to new audiences.
- Content: The Personal Plan subscription includes courses taught in English. Depending on a learner’s location, a localized, course collection may be available to them.
Why does Udemy offer an individual subscription?
For committed learners with broad learning interests, a subscription may be a better solution than purchasing multiple individual courses. We see the subscription model as a complement to the existing Udemy model to meet the needs of some current learners and enable us to attract new ones.
What is the revenue share for Personal Plan?
Payouts for Personal Plan follow the Udemy Business model. Learn more.
Where can instructors see revenue they earn from Personal Plan enrollments?
Revenue from Personal Plan will be attributed to the Individual Subscription channel in your instructor revenue report.
Learn more about instructor payments for Personal Plan and where you can view them.
What happens if a learner purchases Personal Plan after discovering the subscription through an instructor coupon or referral link?
If an instructor’s coupon or referral link leads to a new subscription sign-up and payment rather than a course purchase, that instructor will receive a bonus. Instructors can see these amounts reflected in the Revenue Report with the label "Subscriber Signup Payment."
In the current iteration of the program, the bonus is calculated as 50% of the net revenue from the payment for the new subscriber’s first month in Personal Plan. If the subscriber paid for a full year upfront, the bonus is calculated as 100% of the net revenue from the new subscriber's prorated first month in Personal Plan. As with course purchases, bonuses from subscriptions that are refunded before payout will be deducted from the expected payout amount.
What are the requirements to participate in Personal Plan as an instructor?
The terms of participation for Personal Plan are the same as they are for Udemy Business: instructors must opt into the Udemy Business program, they must have courses curated into the collection for their relevance and quality, and they must host included content exclusively on Udemy. Learn more about the terms of participation.
How often is content added or removed from Personal Plan?
Like the Udemy Business collection, the Personal Plan collection is refreshed over time to add promising new content and remove content that is underperforming or no longer meets quality standards. While the curation teams for both collections collaborate, there may be some differences between the collections at a given point in time. Generally speaking, content that is added or removed from the Udemy Business collection will eventually also be added to or removed from the Personal Plan collection.